Old Naumkeag by Winfields S. Nevins

Olde Salem

by C.H. Webber and Winfield S. Nevins

Olde Naumkeag  Book Cover

Nonfiction / History

This is a great books for you Salem lovers who love to know how Salem was. Do you ever wonder where the old taverns were in town, the old Customs Houses, or what was in that building before your favorite bakery moved in? This book will give you a detailed picture of what Salem was during the Victorian period. Also Webber and Nevins compile the greatest biographers of Salem’s past and the surrounding towns of Marblehead, Peabody, Danvers, Middleton, and Topsfield and gives us the most interesting pieces of their histories starting when these towns were combined together and called Naumkeag. A town stretching from Ipswich to Watertown and from eastern sea to western sea. Every local and tourist alike needs this book to become truly part of this region called Old Naumkeag.

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Nonfiction / History

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Winfield S. Nevins
(December 6 1850 – October 23 1921)

His most permanently important work was Witchcraft in Salem Village, on which subject he was a recognized authority. Nevertheless, Mr. Nevins brought to his work in this field not only the perspective of a later century, but the intimate insight into motives and the keen discrimination in determining values which only a mind of rare breadth can compass. Mr. Nevins also won considerable note on the lecture platform, treating a wide range of subjects, both with and without accompanying stereopticon illustrations.

He was for many years proprietor and manager of the Salem Evening Telegram, for thirty-four years an active member of the Essex Institute, of Salem. Mr. Nevins had traveled much, both in the United States and abroad, having made nine trips to Europe. These subjects of vital civic import had for years been his study during his travels, and he accumulated information the comprehensive and exact nature of which was of the greatest assistance to various Salem bodies having these matters in charge. In fraternal circles Mr. Nevins was very prominent. He was at one time president of the Loyal Protective Association of Boston; was past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and past noble grand of Fraternity Lodge, of Salem, in the same order, and was twice an appointive officer of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. He was a member of Starr King Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and for a number of years was manager of the famous Ye Honorable Boarde, a social club, of which he was a charter member. He was a man of deep religious convictions, and a member of the Universalist church.




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