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Will Pirone

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Poems and Songs


Paperback: $14.99




My favorite spot is a seat by a window. If it is a bar stool and the street is active, so much the better. Behind the counter in a store looking through an open door works just as well. So does a bedroom overlooking a park. A bus or plane window will also do, as long as the seat or scene is moving. They are all metaphors for a curious, restless mind.

I started writing poetry as a boy after discovering my father's high school text of One Hundred Narrative Poems. In my early teens an older cousin sent me a copy of The Beat Generation and the Angry Young Men. That same year I stumbled on a facing page bilingual edition of Baudelaire which I thought would help my French studies. These random events pointed the way to a whole new world. I have been gone ever since. Open up to any page, and have a look.

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