Summer Cottage from Hell
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin: Author & Illustrator
The Wheel
Matthew Maguire: Author & Illustrator
Randall Garrett: Author
John Schoenherr: Illustrator
Lisa Deschenes: Author
Illustrator: Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin
The Thing on the Doorstep
Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Author
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin: Illustrator
Dr. Heidegger Experiment
Nathaniel Hawthorne: Author
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin: Illustrator
The Tell-Tale Heart
Edgar Allan Poe: Author
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin: Illustrator
Each season we release a wonderfully macabre issue of this quarterly. Illustrated stories featuring the best of old masters and new. Tales of fantasy, mystery, suspense, and science fiction.
The anchor tale of the quarterly each issue is the Sinclair Narratives featuring everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair,l and his third-generation Viking reincarnated rag-tag crew. Follow Henry as he tells you tales throughout the centuries he has lived filled with historic moments, famous personages, mythological figures, and monsters. Yes, Henry is that famous guy who sailed to Salem, Ma a hundred years before Columbus founded the new world looking for Vinland. One of Henry's crew was the Westford Knight and they dug the Money Pit on Oak Island outside of Nova Scotia. Plus his son built the Roslyn Chapel commemorating his trip. In history, nobody knows when Prince Henry Sinclair had died or where. Read the Sinclair Narratives to find out why...
Then we might print a new classic that we are the first to run, maybe a tale featuring Conan the Barbarian, Sherlock Holmes, Alan Quartermaine, Fu Manchu, or Cthulhu. Authors like Poe, Hawthorne, Lovecraft, Howard, Garrett, and Rohmer. All featuring original illustrations or new ones by the best artists of today like Matt Maguire from Wolverine and Heavy Metal.
So buy one e-issue at a time or buy a full years e-subscription for the price of two. You can also buy each issue in print format (prices will vary). Your choice, but we are guaranteed you love them!