President Taft moves into his new Summer White House in Beverly MA on the 4th of July. Two days prior to his arrival the man he rented the house from was thrown from his horse and dies 2 days after the President's arrival. Was his death accidental? Teddy Rooselvelt calls on Henry Sinclair to find out. Along with these two Nikola Tesla, Rough Rider Keno Crowninshield, and Henry's reincarnated third-generation Viking Ragtag crew help solve this mystery as Pinkertons and Illuminati flock to Beverly.
In this story we find Henry, everyone's favorite immortal, disguised as General William Howe during the Revolutionary War caught up in the last battle of the War on St. Stephen's Day in the new Jersey Pine Barrens trying to steal the Ark of the Covenant back again. To find out how it got stolen, how Henry gets it back, and what Benjamin Franklin has to do with the Jersey Devil; read it today!
Henry needs to fight off an army of genies with the help of Mark Twain, Nikola Telsa, and Theodore Roosevelt to prevent a British Invasion led by Cecil Rhodes.
Henry meets an interesting stranger inside Greenlawn Cemetery and they go on a journey back through the pages of a rare detective novel of C. Auguste Dupin investigating the most infamous Boston murder of a Harvard professor implicating another. The first forensic murder involving identifying a dismembered and burned corpse. We also discover who Edgar Allan Poe's detective real identity.
Henry is summoned by the Boston socialite Isabella Stewart Gardner to retrieve a stolen tiara from the Royal Russian family. While doing so he becomes involved with the intrigue leading America into World War I as the 1918 Pandemic breaks out.
Henry's reincarnated Viking Friend Bjorn is not dying. He has lived past 80 and is becoming frail and he does not like it. For centuries he has been strong as a bear up to his 80th birthday brawl (in which he is the only one who walks up right out of) and then dies the next day, but not this life. Bjorn was rubbed by a magical boar that was suppose to die in 1918 to renew the world, but his exposure to some mustard gas has prolonged his life and the world really has gone to shit. So Henry and Bjorn visit the NJ Pine Barrens to go on a boar hunt to kill Bjorn, the boar, and the old world.
Henry sails with the son of America's first millionaire to Egypt after meeting Admiral Nelson to stop Napoleon from realeasing and ancient evil you can sink your teeth into. Inspired by Napoleon's real expedition to Egypt which found the Rosetta Stone and much more...
Its the 17th century and Henry sails with Roger Conant and his Native friend Malmusis to England to keep Roger from losing his governorship of the Massachusetts Bay Corporation to the dreaded Puritans. While in the mother country they meet with Roger Williams and his cousin Oliver Cromwell where they stumble on an alien conspiracy that will shape American history.
Everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, working with the Man in the Baltimore Coat and Alan Quartermain attempt to prevent an entity from another dimension taking over one of two presidents in Dead Presidents in the Castle while Tesla confronts the founders of RCA who in turn stole his patents.
Everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, imparts to us the story how he met Mark Twain and Tesla at the commencement dinner of Spalding All-Star Around the World Baseball Tour. A dinner interupted by murders committed by Jack the Ripper or a General friend of Teddy Roosevelts as we are on the brink of war in Samoa with the Germans.
Henry and his gang travel to the Russian Imperial Army base in...Lakehurst, NJ to try to contain the spread of the 1918 Bird Flu. Well imagine how worse it could of been if he was not there!
We have Henry Sinclair once again trying to prevent a presidential assassination after Harding has uncovered several scandals in a Voyage of Understanding by Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin. Most likely Harding is going to die, Henry’s track record isn’t that good..
This is Professor Wilmarth and your friendly neighborhood Cthulhu welcoming you to another journey within the world of the macabre and the strange. In this season’s issue, we have several tales filled with presidential murder, cloning, Big Foot, Trolls, and a lot of horse sense.
First, we have Henry Sinclair once again trying to prevent a presidential assassination after Harding has uncovered several scandals in a Voyage of Understanding by Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin. Most likely Harding is going to die, Henry’s track record isn’t that good...Followed by a rude awakening when a space jockey wakes one morning to find out he is a clone built for a dish best served cold in Origami Unicorns by Dennis Harwich. Next, a woman embarks on a normal trip to visit relatives for the summer and gets pulled into a Bigfoot hunt, where they actually find one, in Strainer’s Farm by Michelle LeBlanc. Have you ever had one of those nights when you wake up in the morning with hooves? Quirk did in Horse is a Horse, of Course, of Course, by Cory McNeil? What is more scary than Bigfoot; find out in Bjorn and the Jersey Devil by Jonathan Hulton. Last, we present you with an ancient tale from the northern lands in The Troll’s Daughter.
Cthulhu is in a sour mood; he does not like to hear that someone has bigger feet them him. He has a reputation with the ladies to upkeep. So watch the trees, you never know when he will spring on you!
To Read More, buy Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2025 Edition
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2025 eVersion: $5.00
This is Professor Wilmarth and your friendly neighborhood Cthulhu welcoming you to another journey within the world of the macabre and the strange. In this season's issue we have several tales of baseball, lost love, and lost fingers. Henry our favorite immortal returns to NYC and imparts to us on how he first met Mark Twain out at the old ball game. Then we have Polh's Celebrated No-Hit Inning where a braggart of a hitter is set up against an amazing team in another realm. Then we have Ernest Hemingway telling us a tale of Nick Adams' lost love in The End of Something. Followed by Wodehouse's The Pitcher and the Plutarch where love is found at home plate. Next in the sequel to The End of Something, Nick Adams has second thoughts in Hemingway's The Three Day Blow. Followed off with Lisa Deschenes' Beloved, a tale about a dangerous liason with a twist.
Some stories touch on historical facts and others you will hope are just pure fiction. Let's see if you can figure out all the connections between the tales. Who knows, you might even find more than I reveal at the end of our installment from Arkham: Tales from the Flipside.
Cthulhu is in a sour mood, he has some kernels stuck between his teeth. If you don't step lightly around him, you might find yourself stuck between his teeth.
To Read More, buy Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2024 Edition
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2024 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2024 eSubscription: $15.00
This is Professor Wilmarth and your friendly neighborhood Cthulhu welcoming you to another journey within the world of the macabre and the strange. In this season's issue we have several tales of baseball, lost love, and lost fingers. Henry our favorite immortal returns to NYC and imparts to us on how he first met Mark Twain out at the old ball game. Then we have Polh's Celebrated No-Hit Inning where a braggart of a hitter is set up against an amazing team in another realm. Then we have Ernest Hemingway telling us a tale of Nick Adams' lost love in The End of Something. Followed by Wodehouse's The Pitcher and the Plutarch where love is found at home plate. Next in the sequel to The End of Something, Nick Adams has second thoughts in Hemingway's The Three Day Blow. Followed off with Roald Dahl's Man from the South, a tale of a hot bet and lost fingers.
Some stories touch on historical facts and others you will hope are just pure fiction. Let's see if you can figure out all the connections between the tales. Who knows, you might even find more than I reveal at the end of our installment from Arkham: Tales from the Flipside.
Cthulhu is in a sour mood, he has some kernels stuck between his teeth. If you don't step lightly around him, you might find yourself stuck between his teeth.
To Read More, buy Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Spring 2022 Edition
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Spring 2022 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2022 eSubscription: $15.00
This is Professor Wilmarth and your friendly neighborhood Cthulhu welcoming you to another journey within the world of the macabre and the strange. In this season's issue we have several tales of impersonations, body snatching, switcheroos, and tales of other dimensions.
First we have everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, working with the Man in the Baltimore Coat and Alan Quartermain attempt to prevent an entity from another dimension taking over one of two presidents in Dead Presidents in the Castle. Following that we have Mark Twain's train woes in Mistaken Identity. Next is H.G. Wells' The Stolen Body where a man's body is stolen by demons as he was astral projecting. Lisa Deschenes brings us the latest in her Salem Cemetery Series with a tale of what happens to man who tried switching a car on a devious young woman in Roy. Pohl brings us a groundhog tale filled with horrid ads in The Tunnel Under the World. Last but not least, we have Philip K. Dick's The Father-Thing as a bunch of kids fight the neighborhood dad who has been cloned by aliens.
Some stories touch on historical facts and others you will hope are just pure fiction. Let's see if you can figure out all the connections between the tales. Who knows, you might even find more than I reveal at the end of our installment from Arkham: Tales from the Flipside.
Cthulhu is shedding, he might not be sitting on the bar below. That might be his old skin? If so, he might just be behind you with his fork and knife in his
To Read More, buy Arkham: Tales from the FlipsideWinter 2022 Edition
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2022 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2022 eSubscription: $15.00
In this season's issue we have several tales of plagues,, wars, broken promises, strange hangovers, evil gnomes, robots, and the ghost in the machine.
First, we have Henry trying to abscond with a previously stolen tiara from the Tzar of Russia during the 1918 Pandemic on the eve of America's entry to WWI. Next we have a tale about locals forced to rent out their bodies to other souls after The Day the Icicle Works Closed by Frederik Pohl. Its followed by one nasty hangover when a young gentlemen wakes up and finds himself in a hell of a lot of trouble in Chris Corkum's Dream Landscape. Lisa Deschnes' I Never Promised you a Rose Garden warns us never to cross an angry little gnome. Then Harry Harrison brings a tale of Robot civil rights in The Velvet Glove. Last we bring you Vonnegut's first story Report on the Barnhouse Effect about a man's ability to end all wars or the world itself.
Can you discover all of their secrets of how the tales fit together? Give it a read and find out.
To Read More, buy Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2021 Edition:
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2021 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2021 eSubscription: $15.00
Welcome to another installment of fantasy, science-fiction, horror, and mystery illustrated short fiction. This season we bring you six tales that will be the death of you, or just the world. First, we have the latest installment of The Sinclair Narratives where everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, must go on a boar hunt to end the world...which was long overdue. Following that we present Birgess' The Ghost Extinguisher which is the original Ghostbusters tale. Who are you going to call, not whom you thought. Next Cory Mc'Neil brings you into an alternative reality with a centaur recovering from PTSD from WWI in First Hoofstep. Then we find out that sometimes your number is up before you become one in When the Census Man Cometh. In the last tale is Chambers' In The Court of the Dragon where Death returns once more to stalk his next prey. Hopefully, you are able to make all the connections in our tales. If not we will feed you to Cthulhu.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Spring 2021 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2021 eSubscription: $15.00
In this season's issue we have several tales of sex and relationships which drain the life from you...First we have Henry sailing to Egypt with the richest American (outside of his father) to but heads with Napoleon and an ancient buried evil. Next, we learn how to creatively get away with sleeping with another man's wife in Boccaccio Dione's First Story. Then we deliver Service with a Smile from a robot who provides for his female owners' love lives; a tale by Fontenay. Then we introduce Jonathan Hulton with his first published tale, The Shape Shifter which presents a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast with blue balls.... Next is a real Lulu, about a jilted female spaceship and the crew she leaves stranded on an alien world, till they agree to marry her by Clifford D. Simak. Then we present you an old Sioux myth about Spider and Coyote being bested by Coyote's wife in My Balls for Dinner?
Some stories touch on historical facts and others you will hope are just pure fiction. Let's see if you can figure out all of the connections between the tales. Who knows, you might even find more than I reveal at the end of our installment from Arkham: Tales from the Flipside.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Summer 2021 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2021 eSubscription: $15.00
Welcome to another installment of fantasy, science-fiction, horror, and mystery illustrated short fiction. This season we bring you seven tales of killer turtles, aliens, forboding homes, and men in six inch heels.
First, we have the latest installment of The Sinclair Narratives where everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, travels back to England to face an evil that will spread throughout America in They Live, They Live. Following that we have Harold Hilton's tale of a forboding home in The House Jack Built. Next, we have Martin Pearson's The Embassy, a tale of a private dick looking for a martian embassy in NYC. Then we learn it is not nice to mess with mother nature and men wearing 6" heels in Deschenes' LGBTQs. Clifford D. Simak delivers a tale of a copy reader who stumbles on a story of a child who has the power to naively wish for a better world, which might just be the end of us all in Worry Wort. Frank Herbert brings us Old Rambling House, which reminds us in this housing market if it is too good...Last we have Don A. Stuart's Who GoesThere? which
is the inspiration of the movie The Thing.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Fall 2021 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2021 eSubscription: $15.00
In this issue we have six tales for you that weave together with the finest illustrators. Tales of murder, true love, obsession, murder, possession, and murder. Murder is a favorite this season with stories from Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin, Matt Maguire (Wolverine, The Darkness, and Heavy Metal), Lisa Deschenes, Randall Garrett, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne.
In this issue The Sinclair Narratives presents Summer Cottage from Hell. President Taft moves into his new Summer White House in Beverly MA on the 4th of July. Two days prior to his arrival the man he rented the house from was thrown from his horse and dies 2 days after the President's arrival. Was his death accidental? Teddy Roosevelt calls on Henry Sinclair to find out. Along with these two Nikola Tesla, Rough Rider Keno Crowninshield, and Henry's reincarnated third-generation Viking Ragtag crew help solve this mystery as Pinkertons and Illuminati flock to Beverly.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2020 Print : $11.99
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Winter 2020 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2020 eSubscription: $15.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside2020 Print Yearly Subscription: $66.00
In this installment we bring you into the Flipside to read 6 supernatural tales of war and murder from the old masters and new. Tales that all play into one another through time and space.
First we have our anchor story Battle at Cedar Bridge Tavern, the latest in The Sinclair Narratives about the last battle in the Revolutionary War and the theft of the Ark of the Covenant featuring Benjamin Franklin and the Jersey Devil. Followed by There is a Reaper that investigates what happens to your murder victim after death written by Charles V. de Velt. Then we have...Black Colossus by Robert E. Howard featuring Conan the Barbarian who is picked by chance to lead an army for a desperate princess. Up next is Lisa Deschenes' tale of a strange way to get rid of an ex-husband in Things that go Bump. This follows into Steve Mullen's Shock Treatment that explores the idea that our solar system is the insane asylum of the galaxy. Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K. Dick is about an intelligent space pig that might end up on the menu.
Six tales that weave in and out of each other. Can you discover all of their secrets of how they fit together? Give it a read and find out.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Spring 2020 Print : $11.99
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Spring 2020 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2020 eSubscription: $15.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside2020 Print Yearly Subscription: $66.00
In this installment we bring you into the Flipside to read 6 supernatural tales of genies, wishes, and ravenous animals from old masters and new. Tales that all play into one another through time and space.
First we have our anchor story Land of .Oz, the latest in The Sinclair Narratives where everyone's favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, needs to fight off an army of genies with the help of Mark Twain, Nikola Telsa, and Theodore Roosevelt to prevent a British Invasion led by Cecil Rhodes. Then we go into Three Skeleton Key by George G. Toudouze, the old time radio favorite made famous by Vincent Price. A tale of three lighthouse keepers held captive in the light by a horde of rats. Then we have a tale written by Robert Bloch (author of Psycho) set in a basement attached to the creepy tunnels in Arkham where a mysterious beast creeps in Creeper in the Crypt. Up next is Lisa Deschenes' tale of a man's hatred for squirrels that does not end well in The Gathering. This follows into Evelyn E. Smith's Man's Best Friend about a slacker who wakes up to find he has been chosen the next leader, as the prior leader willingly waits for his assassination. Our last story is by the comic legend Robert Sheckley, Something for Nothing in which a wishing machine just appears inside his living room one day.
Six tales that weave in and out of each other. Can you discover all of their secrets of how they fit together? Give it a read and find out.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Summer 2020 Print : $11.99
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Summer 2020 eVersion: $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2020 eSubscription: $15.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside2020 Print Yearly Subscription: $66.00
In this installment we bring you into the Flipside to read 6 supernatural tales of birds, gifts, drunk aliens, and rare books from old masters and new. Tales that all play into one another and lets you unravel all the connections.
First we have another installment of your's and mine favorite immortal, Henry Sinclair, as he meets an interesting stranger within the grounds of the Greenlawn Cemetery which brings him through the pages of a rare C. Auguste Dupin novel. A tale illuminating one of Boston's most ghastly murders that happened within the sacred ivy halls of Harvard. The first case in history where they had to identify a dismembered and burned corpse. The case that was the grandfather of all forensics cases by the first detective of literature. Then we learn that some gifts might prove to be murderous, even if it sounds cuckoo by Philip K. Dick. James Stamers then follows the tale with another starnge gift for his woman which ends him up in the poor house. Then Lisa Deschenes brings us another tale in The Salem Cemetery Series where a woman travels to Scotland to find her roots and to learn where she fits in the world; a bit more magical world. Then Clifford D. Simak tells us about an alien race that gets drunk on human sorrow. This issue is then capped off by Edgar Allan Poe's classicThe Raven illustrated by Gustave Dore.
Six tales that weave in and out of each other. Can you discover all of their secrets of how they fit together? Give it a read and find out.
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Fall e-Issue $5.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside Fall 2020 Print: $13.99
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside 2020 eSubscription: $15.00
Arkham: Tales from the Flipside2020 Print Yearly Subscription: $66.00
The finest illustrated narratives of the day covering the genres of sci-fi, thrillers, mysteries, horror, and fantasies. In this issue is continuing saga of The Sinclair Narratives by Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin. Our hero this time faces down a murderous vampire, or does he in Love Bites. Also we have the first installment of Crime Across Time by Cory McNeil. What happens when a scientist can't pay back his loan shark and a Southie mob inherits a time machine? Read it to find out. Plus we have The Perfect Crime by Dan Maurno. A tale of a battle of two egos.
This was the first issue and the premiere of The Sinclair Narratives by Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin. Presented in these tales are the journal of an immortal who moved to Salem, MA in 1398 with a merry bunch of Vikings. In Henry's first tale he is in England during the Civil War and finds out the Laird Shipyard has plans to build three ships for the Confederates; can he stop them? Then we have another story called A Sticky Situation written and illustrated by Eric Kirchberg. It is the story of the Great Molasses Flood in Boston. Then we have Girls Night In written and illustrated by Kate Kirchberg. It is a raunchy honest tale of the behind the scenes look into a pretty racy adult pajama party.
Check out our first Issue Today!