Illsutrations of Angroboda


Welcome to another adventure from the Thousand Acre Woods deep within Trollheim of the NJ Pine Belt! Tales Chronicled by Jonathan Hulton. That's me. Today I'm telling the story of the time when Bjorn confided in Karl about his current relationship with his teenage daughter. A story, as old as time.


Bjorn's relationship with his daughter was distressing him. His problems were as old as the dirt suffered by many. He had left home to seek out Karl's advice. Karl was sitting under a massive leaning tree.

Karl sitting under a massive Bull Pine on a forty five angle.

"Karl, why do you always sit under that tree?"

"I'm waiting for it to fall."

" fall on you?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for it to fall for many years now."

So Bjorn sat under the tree with him.

Angrboda smilling at a Norwegian Musk OX.

"What bugs you today?" asked Karl, who was eating acorns.

"Its Angrboða."

"Or is it Bjorn?"

"I once was the stars and wonder in her eyes."

Bjorn walking with Angrboda when he was a little kid.

"Though you're not now?"

"No. Now I'm an old fool."

Bjorn looking sad on a log.

"Well, you are quite old—"

"Hey, Methuselah quit trying to compete against you a few millenniums ago." Bjorn said, poking Karl in the belly. "You are getting a little round in the middle."

"She still sees stars," Karl answered as he waved into the sky and the sun disappeared.

Angrboda walking on atree branch as Karl and her father Bjorn talk about her below.

"As with the day, the sun clouds the stars from the sky for a period of time, which does not mean that they are not up there."

"I try to teach her, but my words are feeble and twisted as an old woman."

"Pearls before swine."


"Remember what Nasreddin taught: 'You can only teach to those who are ready'"

Angrboda and Bjorn in faering wooden boat being pulled out into Duck's Pond by a Norwegian mucsk ox to go fishing.

"Pearls before swine."

"You have taught her how to learn, but you lost the steps you had to walk with your own father."

"I know, but I feel like the gnat that made his home in the elephant's ear. I made my presence known, believing it had made an impact, and in the end, I was wished a fair journey, for it never made any impact on the elephant if I had come or gone."

Smiling worm sitting on hook.

"You are worried if she will make the right decisions in your life?"

"No! In her own."

"So, agree, it is hers to live?"

" Yes! But—"

"I told this same story to your father:

"There was this jötunn that had three daughters. He had two dutiful daughters. After several years of imprisonment, he released the third headstrong daughter into the wasteland. She was released into the unknown and dangerous world filled with rebellious youth and the disillusioned elders of her father's kingdom.

"In this new world, she looked to 'the birds of the air' to be fed and gained a cubit in stature. In time, a man wealthy of heart and mind took her for his wife in his kingdom. Little did they tally before returning to what was once the realm of the great Fisher. From there, the land and them were one filled with the visionaries that preceded the princess into her exile. The land was so prosperous that the kingdom of the Jötunn emptied into their world, leaving their original homes emptied so their borders could stretch right up to her father's keep. Then the father begged for an audience with his daughter with hat in hand and realized he was always the stars in her eyes that she reached for."

"Yes, but what if she gets lost in the wasteland?"

The Great Horned serpent sneaking up on the fishermen miling and wagging tail.

"Think of the Spinner's daughter:

"She lost her family when shipwrecked to learn the craft of weaving from the family that took her in. Then she was captured by pirates and sold into slavery to the mast maker, who freed her to be lost to the sea once more. Waking up in China, she fulfilled the prophecy of the great tent maker when she was able to take the lessons learned from her turmoil to erect the first tent in the realm. She utilized all of her trades to make fiber, cloth, stakes, and poles. It was then that she was rewarded by the emperor and found true love with a prince of hearts."

"You have to learn to cut the thread."

"What thread?"

"Think of the time the Mullah tied a gourd to his leg to only lose himself when he awoke to find the gourd tied to the joker," Karl said as he passed a glass of mead to Bjorn. "Are you afraid you are the joker now? The Mullah?"

"Cut the thread."

"Are you not Bjorn as well as Gramps, or even myself, for that matter?"

"Yes." It was then that Angrboða swung down from her knees to kiss Bjorn on the cheek, right before she hit him on the head with a club. It was then that Bjorn truly saw the stars in her eyes.

Serpent sneaking up fisherman while the daughter throw sugar cubes to the ox she is usiing for bait.



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If you like the tales from Trollheim you will love Trolls: A Compendium!

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Christopher Jonathan Hulton

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Following the Harry N. Abrams, Inc. tradition of the series that created Brian Froud's and Alan Lee's Faeries and Gnomes by Wil Huygen and Rien Poortvliet, we present you with what would have been the next book in the series: Trolls: A Compendium. Trolls—do you think you know what they are? Could you be wrong?

Trolls within Scandinavian lore, myth, saga, fantasy, and folktales are actually anything magical within our northern neighbor's culture. Richly illustrated (Over 600 paintings) in this volume are the tales of faeries, dwarves, nissen, huldras, gods, Jotuns, draugar, ghosts, and more. Also, this book introduces our readers to the world of Trollheim, populated by Nattrolls that escaped the 17th-century Swedish colony within the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Narrated by Christopher Jonathan Hulton, who lives in the Thousand Acre Woods just after the Civil War, their tales are filled with Native American lore and tales of their neighbor, the Jersey Devil.

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Images from Trolls animation.

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