Sammy Buck looking at Peggy Clevenger to see if she bewitched his fiddle in her tavern while she was cleaning mugs behind the bar.

Got Milk!

Welcome to another adventure from the Thousand Acre Woods deep within Trollheim of the NJ Pine Belt! Tales Chronicled by Jonathan Hulton. That's me. In our tale, Karl tries to force Helgi to sell him a rare cow. Will it go well for him?


One day I was sitting in Helgi's kitchen when Karl came in. At the time, Angrboða was standing quietly in the other room. That is never good.

Helgi is knitting while Karl come sin with Hulton watching and Angroboda skuluking around.

"Sell me that red and brown cow." Karl blurted.

"Which one?" Helgi answered without paying him much mind.

"The one, all of the Giberson's talk about, that sired the best ring fighters!"

At Old Halfway and Ong's Hat, deep within the Pines, the Nattrolls hold bullfights. The Trolls shrink down to the bull's scale and lock horns till one ends up on their back. Helgi's cow, is the only one that once and only once, knocked over Bjorn, and many say he threw that match to win enough gold for one of his father's and Karl's benders. That is why the Gibersons keep buying Helgi's cows.

Bjorn is butting head with a bull at Ong's Hat where a hat is in the tre.

The duo had brought one of Helgi's herd downtown to see if they could out-drink him. They got deep in their cups, a few hours after the bull passed out.

A bul is upside down drunk with its feet above the bar and Gramps is passed out while Karl is still drinking.

Then some local Irish reenacted their version of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. Afterward, they woke up. Then they went to find her bull. 'There is no fury like a woman scorned'; now times this by five since Helgi was part Troll and goddess. Just ask Cú Chulainn about the old milkmaid.

Off the pair went looking for their Cuailnge, once they woke up that is. It wasn't hard to follow the bull once he escaped the men of Connacht. In his wake was several broken acres of fences and strewn men suffering the debility of nine.

Shortly walking along the Tom's, these befuddled Trolls came across the bull on the Giberson's lumbering operation...

Karl and Gramps finding the bull in a woods with tree stumps.

when they passed out again, and the bull found a few of their finest cows. Karl and Gramps were so drunk that this bull took advantage of the old adage, 'never run down to meet one cow, but to always take your time to meet them all….' This bull, one would think, was as prodigious as Krishna was with his milkmaids. For the two swore they only fell asleep for a few minutes in their field, even though in a few months the Giberson's herd increased threefold.

Karl and Gramps passed out in a field with a bull looking on a bunch of cows with lust in his eyes.

This encouraged the Giberson's to buy their first cow out of guilt.

Since then the they have been buying her cows for years and only once when they checked their bullocks did one ever turn into a nock.

A Nock running off with a tossed milk pail.

"That old crone. Her teats are old and dried up. Piggy, on the next farmstead, sent over some milk mice to drink them dry," Helgi continued without missing a stitch. "The Nisse took months to drive them away, and it cost me a fortune in butter and porridge; those little bastards..."

"You know damn well that cow is the best!" By this time I noticed Angrboða was not to be seen.

"What do you want with that humpback anyway? She is missing half of her teeth."

"Your words are old and frail as an old woman, and your tongue twists like that old fire drake born from the pine needle!" That was an allusion to the mischievous Loki, who was quite fluid.

Karl yelling at Helgi who is still knitting with Hulton watching on.

"Though wasn't it you, who fell asleep and found your backside sore trying to cross the paddock?"

"You know that happened only once..."

Dragon with human head and pronghorn antlers on a really long serpent body coming out of the water.

By this time, Bjorn had come in and saw his daughter skirting the edges of the firelight. He motioned me to the fire, after he took down the bedwarmer and filled it with corn kernels. This was beginning to be a good, show.

Bjorn roasting popcorn on the fire in a bed warmer sitting on a stump with Hulton next to him.

Then Karl came clean. "I need her milk to satisfy my sugar tooth. She creates the best cream in the region and never runs dry no matter how long you milk her. She is the only cow that was brought over from Auðumbla's stock who can keep my gluttonous appetite in ice cream."

"It is true she produces the most milk throughout the Thousand Acre Woods." Helgi answered, looking him in the face. She didn't let on that her statement was a tinge of truth, and Karl only heard what he wanted through the tone of her answer. "I'll take nine casks of your best high summer mead and low winter lager for this year's Jul."

By this time, me and Bjorn were halfway through the popcorn. Then we started with the chestnuts that were in the shadows. One nut rolled out of my hand, before I could place it in the fire. It hit Karl's foot, and he picked it up as he was leaving.

A Bowl of chestnuts on a table with one falling out.

A week later, Karl returned with his payment. At that time, Bjorn's daughter had been missing. Upon completion of the sale, Karl walked his new cow over the dale. The whole time thinking of the ice cream he was going to eat, when he heard a noise in his pouch. It was coming from that nut he forgot. He listened very carefully and heard a ,very small, voice call out, "Free me, and I will reward you!"

So Karl took the hammer from his neck and cracked the chestnut and out popped a milkmaid.

The back of a milkmaid holding apale with Karl looking at her.

Karl then demanded his reward.

The milkmaid said she could give him some magic beans for his cow. Beans, so magical that the sky herself would not be able to contain his wealth. He agreed and sold off his cow. He thought of all the labor he would saved in making all of that ice cream when he could pay others to make his heart's content.

Before leaving Karl, the milkmaid told him to plant the seeds in his root cellar.

Karl did as he was told. A magic beanstalk instantaneously grew, lifting his house and all of his wealth beyond the sky to the moon.

Karl's house lifted to the moon on a beanstalk with some satars.

Angrboða had hid herself in the chestnut when it was in the shadows of the firelight.

Later, he stole the cow back, with the help of the Irish brigands he met in Toms River. When he went to milk her, he smelt and tasted the sweetest milk on his fingers, but after ever bucket she filled she kicked it over.

Karl milking cow who keeps kicking the bucket over.

With his dreams of ice cream extinguished his appetite led him to nice cut of tenderloin. Ancient lore said  that any cut of meat from Auðumbla's stock could be taken from the cow, and you only had to rub ashes in the wound for the cut of beef to grow back. The only thing, he had to make sure he didn't do was kill her. Though, if he killed her, she would vanish. One night Karl and Gramps got drunk and then hungry, and killed her straight out. She just vanished.

Bull upside down mimicking being dead.

The cow just returned home to Helgi in one piece, and from that day on, Karl never saw one of her cows or bulls again within the Thousand Acre Woods. They had all become invisible to him. Thus depriving him of all of those bullfights and ice cream forever.



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If you like the tales from Trollheim you will love Trolls: A Compendium!

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Christopher Jonathan Hulton

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Following the Harry N. Abrams, Inc. tradition of the series that created Brian Froud's and Alan Lee's Faeries and Gnomes by Wil Huygen and Rien Poortvliet, we present you with what would have been the next book in the series: Trolls: A Compendium. Trolls—do you think you know what they are? Could you be wrong?

Trolls within Scandinavian lore, myth, saga, fantasy, and folktales are actually anything magical within our northern neighbor's culture. Richly illustrated (Over 600 paintings) in this volume are the tales of faeries, dwarves, nissen, huldras, gods, Jotuns, draugar, ghosts, and more. Also, this book introduces our readers to the world of Trollheim, populated by Nattrolls that escaped the 17th-century Swedish colony within the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Narrated by Christopher Jonathan Hulton, who lives in the Thousand Acre Woods just after the Civil War, their tales are filled with Native American lore and tales of their neighbor, the Jersey Devil.

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